Se-Han Lee

Hello. I am a graduate student at Graduate School of Sejong University in Republic of Korea. And now I'm working in SysCore Laboratory (Advisor: Prof. Ki-Woong Park).


SysCore (System Security and Computer Engineering Research) Lab.

Advisor: Prof. Ki-Woong Park (Sejong University, Republic of Korea)
March 2018 - Present

Republic of Korea Army

Soldier (Now I'm a reserve sergeant.)
Military Occupational Specialty: Information Security (175,104)
May 2019 - December 2020

Specialist (Information Security Study Club at KoreaTech)

Vice President
Specialist is a university club to study Information Security and Computer Science with KoreaTech Students.
And I have successfully conducted two seminars while working in this club.

1st Seminar Presentation: The ART of Human Hacking [November 2014]
2nd Seminar Presentation: Basic Race Condition [June 2015]
March 2014 - August 2015

NSTL (Network Security and Technology Lab.)

Advisor: Prof. Hee-Suk Seo (KoreaTech, Republic of Korea)
October 2013 - February 2018


Graduate School of Sejong University

Ph.D. Course Student
SysCore (System Security and Computer Engineering Research) Lab.
March 2023 - Present

Graduate School of Sejong University

Master of Science (Information Security & Convergence Engineering for Intelligent Drone)
SysCore (System Security and Computer Engineering Research) Lab.
GPA: 4.43 / 4.5

March 2018 - February 2023

The 6th KITRI BoB (Best of the Best) Program

Security Consulting Track
Track Advisor: Mentor Kyoung-Gon Kim (And now he is an assistant professor at Naif Arab University for Securty Sciences in Saudi Arabia.)

Team Project Advisor: Mentor Cheol-Kyu Han and Jun-Bo Shim

The BoB (Best of the Best) Program is a cyber security education program that fosters the next generation security leaders in Republic of Korea hosted by Korea Information Technology Research Institute (KITRI), supported by the Korea Government.
July 2017 - March 2018

Graduate School of Koreatech (Korea University of Technology and Education)

Graduate Student (Master's Course) (Drop Out)
Advisor: Prof. Hee-Suk Seo
NSTL (Network Security and Technology Lab)
March 2017 - February 2018

Koreatech (Korea University of Technology and Education)

Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Science and Engineering)
Advisor: Prof. Hee-Suk Seo
GPA: 3.09 / 4.5

March 2012 - February 2017
March 2009 - February 2012


[P-23] To be announced...

[P-22] Se-Han Lee*, Sang-Hoon Choi, Woohyun Jang, Shinwoo Shim, Yeon-Jae Kim and Ki-Woong Park, "Cyber-Physical Fuzzing Framework for Extracting Butterfly Effect in UAV Systems," Proceedings of 2024 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence x Data and Knowledge Engineering (IEEE AIxDKE 2024), pp.66-69, 2024.12. (Presentation File)

[P-21] Nam-Jung Heo*, Se-Han Lee, Sang-Hoon Choi and Ki-Woong Park, "An Analysis of Research Trends on MTD Strategy through Intelligent Systems," Proceedings of ACK 2024 (Annual Conference of KIPS 2024), Vol.31, No.2, pp.222-225, 2024.11.

[P-20] Hyeong-Seok Jang*, Se-Han Lee, and Ki-Woong Park, "I Know Your Antivirus: Revealing Client-Side Antivirus via Browser Clue," The 7th International Conference on Intelligent Information Technology (2INTECH 2024) conjunction with The 5th International Conference on Smart Mobility And Revolutionary Transportation (SMART 2024), pp.184-187, 2024.10.

[P-19] [Listed on SCIE] Se-Han Lee*, Kyungshin Kim, Youngsoo Kim and Ki-Woong Park, "MTD-Diorama: Moving Target Defense Visualization Engine for Systematic Cybersecurity Strategy Orchestration," Sensors, Vol.24, No.13, 4369, 2024.07. (Certificate of Publication)

[P-18] Se-Han Lee*, Mohsen Ali Alawami and Ki-Woong Park, "Data Visualization Engine for systematic MTD Strategy Configuration linked to Cyber Attack Information," Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Next Generation Computing 2023 (ICNGC 2023), pp.235-238, 2023.12. (Presentation File (Poster))

[P-17] [Listed on KCI(Korea Citation Index)] Joo-Young Roh*, Se-Han Lee and Ki-Woong Park, "IaC-VIMF: IaC-Based Virtual Infrastructure Mutagenesis Framework for Cyber Defense Training," Journal of The Korea Institute of Information Security and Cryptology (JKIISC), Vol.33, No.3, pp.527-535, 2023.06.

[P-16] Jeong-Hyeon Yoo*, Young-Seo Kim, Ga-Young Lee, Geun-Yeong Ju, Tae-Ju Ha, Won-Chul Kim, Se-Han Lee and Ki-Woong Park, "A Study on Marker System for profiling Cyber Attack Tools linked to MITRE ATT&CK Matrix," Proceedings of CISC-S'23 (Conference on Information Security and Cryptography Summer 2023), Vol.33, No.1, pp.543-546, 2023.06.

[P-15] Ha-Neul Ka*, Hyun-Seung Ko, Juno Kim, Tae-Hwan Kim, Jung-Hun Park, Ji-Young Lee, Won-Chul Kim, Se-Han Lee and Ki-Woong Park, "Crowd-Analysis: Collaborative Analysis Platform Design for a Multilateral Cyber Incident Analysis," Proceedings of CISC-S'23 (Conference on Information Security and Cryptography Summer 2023), Vol.33, No.1, pp.690-693, 2023.06.

[P-14] [Received the Excellent Paper Award] Joo-Young Roh*, Se-Han Lee and Ki-Woong Park, "Virtual Infrastructure Mutagenesis Framework for Customized-Organization Cyber Warfare Training," Proceedings of CISC-W'22 (Conference on Information Security and Cryptography Winter 2022), Vol.32, No.2, pp.245-248, 2022.11.

[P-13] Kwang-Min Yoo*, Hong-Hyeon Kim, Eun-Jin Lee, Hyeok-Woo Kwon, Chan-Young Ji, Se-Han Lee and Ki-Woong Park, "Suggestion of Development for Cloud Environment through Analysis of Security Incidents," Proceedings of CISC-W'22 (Conference on Information Security and Cryptography Winter 2022), Vol.32, No.2, pp.679-681, 2022.11.

[P-12] Seong-Hyeon Lee*, Ji-Soo Lee, Sang-Woon Lee, Se-Han Lee and Ki-Woong Park, "Comparison and Analysis of Cyber Security Education between Republic of Korea and North Korea," Proceedings of CISC-W'22 (Conference on Information Security and Cryptography Winter 2022), Vol.32, No.2, pp.73-76, 2022.11.

[P-11] [Listed on KCI(Korea Citation Index)] Se-Han Lee* and Ki-Woong Park, "A Method for Derivation of Software-Defined MTD Research Direction for secure IoT Device through Analysis of MTD Strategy Research Result," Journal of D-Culture Archives (JDCA), Vol.5, No.2, pp.147-158, 2022.10.

[P-10] Se-Han Lee* and Ki-Woong Park, "Derivation of Blueprint for an IoT Device Protection Design through Analysis of MTD Research," Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Next Generation Computing 2022 (ICNGC 2022), pp.310-313, 2022.10. (Presentation File (Video))

[P-09] Se-Han Lee* and Ki-Woong Park, "A Study on Secure Network Traffic Control Mechanism for SDN based Autonomous Twin Inter-Networking Protection," Proceedings of CISC-S'22 (Conference on Information Security and Cryptography Summer 2022), Vol.32, No.1, pp.372-375, 2022.06. (Presentation File)

[P-08] Su-Won Jang*, Seung-Jin Bae, Se-Han Lee and Ki-Woong Park, "A Study on Log4J Vulnerability Scanning System through Log4J Vulnerability Impact Analysis in Cloud Environment," Proceedings of Korean Institute of Next Generation Computing Spring Conference 2022, pp.317-320, 2022.05. (Poster File)

[P-07] Se-Han Lee* and Ki-Woong Park, "Derivation of Protection Measures for Small IoT Devices through Research Trend Analysis about MTD," Proceedings of Korean Society for Internet Information Spring Conference 2022, pp.85-86, 2022.04. (Presentation File)

[P-06] Se-Han Lee*, Sung-Kyu Ahn and Ki-Woong Park, "Auto-HRS: An Automated System Design for a Secure Home Router Environment," Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Next Generation Computing 2021 (ICNGC 2021), pp.225-227, 2021.11. (Presentation File (Video))

[P-05] Se-Han Lee*, Chang-Ho Seo and Ki-Woong Park, "A Study on Automated Configuration System for Secure Wireless AP through Analysis of Wireless AP Configuration Transaction," Proceedings of Korean Institute of Next Generation Computing Spring Conference 2018, pp.103-107, 2018.05. (Presentation File)

[P-04] [Listed on KCI(Korea Citation Index)] Se-Han Lee*, Hee-Suk Seo and Yo-Han Choi, "Small size IoT Device Monitoring System Modeling applying DEVS Methodology," Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information, Vol.23, No.2, pp.45-51, 2018.02.

[P-03] Se-Han Lee*, Kwang-Woo Go, Gwang-Hyun Ahn, Hee-Sung Park, Cheol-Kyu Han, Jun-Bo Shim and Hyun-Jung Lee, "A Study on Automotive Attack DB for Concretization of HEAVENS, A Car Security Model," Proceedings of CISC-W'17 (Conference on Information Security and Cryptography Winter 2017), 2017.12. (Presentation File)

[P-02] Se-Han Lee* and Hee-Suk Seo, "A Study on Smart Phone DDoS Attack Scenario Using National Emergency Catastrophe Broadcasting Service," The 21st Korea Knowledge Information Technology Society Spring Conference, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp.5-8, 2017.06. (Presentation File)

[P-01] Se-Han Lee*, Hee-Suk Seo and Yo-Han Choi, "A study on Private Information Security System of Public Wireless AP," Intrenet of Things Union Conference, pp.219-223, 2014.11.


[Domestic Patents]
[DP-05] 박기웅, 이세한, "버튼 형식의 블록 구성 다이얼 및 거리 측정 센서를 활용한 다회성 사용자 인증 기반의 주요 보호 장치 안티 탬퍼링 메커니즘 및 그 사용자 인증 방법 및 시스템", "Anti-Tampering Mechanism of Mission-Critical Device and its User Authentication Method and System based on Semipermanent User Authentication using Button-Like Block Dial and Distance Measuring Sensor," 출원번호: 10-2023-0136692, 출원일자: 2023.10.13
[DP-04] 박기웅, 노주영, 이세한, "조직 맞춤형 사이버 공방 훈련을 위한 가상 인프라 변이 생성 프레임워크", "Virtual Infrastructure Mutagenesis Framework for Customized-Organization Cyber Warfare Training," 출원번호: 10-2022-0162201, 출원일자: 2022.11.29, 등록번호: 10-2667431, 등록일자: 2024.05.14
[DP-03] 서희석, 송길호, 이세한, 김택수, 김수빈, "사물인터넷에 적용 가능한 다지형 그리퍼 기계의 파지력 조절 방법", "A Gripping Force Adjusting Method of Multiple Leg Type Gripper Machine which can be applied to Internet of Things," 출원번호: 10-2017-0083544, 출원일자: 2017.06.30, 공개번호: 10-2019-0003897, 공개일자: 2019.01.10
[DP-02] 서희석, 허영미, 송길호, 이세한, 김택수, 김수빈, "개별적으로 제어가 가능한 다지형 그리퍼 기계", "An Individually Controllable Multiple Leg Type Gripper Machine," 출원번호: 10-2017-0067761, 출원일자: 2017.05.31, 공개번호: 10-2018-0131711, 공개일자: 2018.12.11
[DP-01] 서희석, 김재원, 이세한, "통합 이러닝 솔루션", "Total E-Learning Solution," 출원번호: 10-2017-0004198, 출원일자: 2017.01.11, 공개번호: 10-2018-0082827, 공개일자: 2018.07.19


[Domestic News]
[DN-03] 보안뉴스(BoanNews) 김경애 기자, "BoB 6기 차세대 보안리더, Best Top 10 탄생", 2018.04.13
[DN-02] 보안뉴스(BoanNews) 김경애 기자, "[성탄특집] 보안전문가들이 보낸 크리스마스 카드", 2017.12.24
[DN-01] 충청타임즈 김금란 기자, "학생세금문예작품공모전 충주 신니중 UCC 동상", 2009.08.26

Awards & Certificates

[International Certificates]
[IC-02] Certificate of Participation - ICNGC 2023 [December 2023]
[IC-01] 12th place - ACM-ICPC Asia Daejeon KAIST 2012 [November 2012]

[Domestic Awards]
[DA-07] Excellent Paper Award - CISC-W'22 [November 2022]
[DA-06] Army Soldier Award - The 17th Infantry Division (R.O.K Army) [December 2020]
[DA-05] Academic Award - Korea Army Signal School [July 2019]
[DA-04] Special Award - The 6th KITRI BoB (Best of the Best) Program [April 2018]
[DA-03] Participation Award - The 28th Korea Olympiad in Informatics Competition [August 2011]
[DA-02] Bronze Award - The 25th ChungBuk Student Olympiad in Informatics Competition [May 2011]
[DA-01] Silver Award - National Student Tax Literary Works and UCC Contest 2009 [August 2009]

[Domestic Certificates]
[DC-02] Cyber Security Special Training Certificate - CSTEC (Cyber Security Training and Exercise Center) [August 2018] (Photo)
[DC-01] Security Consulting Track Certificate - The 6th KITRI BoB (Best of the Best) Program [April 2018]